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Post №: 55
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Location: Rossia, Tula
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link post  Posted: 02.07.09 21:06. Post subject: CFA Cat Show on October, 31, 2010 (Moscow, Russia)

An animal has no documents? What to do?

If the animal is thoroughbred, but without pedigree, then the owner can take up experimental breeding in the professional clubs. For this he need:

1. Enter the professional PCA club.
2. Receive the breed’s Certificate. For this you need either enter on PCA Show in the Class for the Beginners or certify presence animal on the experts’s table.
3. To legalize the original pedigree ( in the columns of the parents will be inscription – The origin is unknown).

Further it is possible to start working in experimental breeding of the cats.

1. Open the cattery in PCA system.
2. Receive the breeding estimations on the PCA Show or on the expert’s table.
3. Felinologists help to chose the producers.
4. The registration of breeding and litters is accomplished in documents and is duplicated up by the telephone.
5. The certifying presence litter and giving out the metrics on the kittens is carried out by felinologists.
6. The breeder by himself sells the litter or through the advertising department of professional clubs, where help to find the buyers.

The record “ Experimental breeding” is stamped on all documents!

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